4 months ago
Hi Russell,
The base cup o-ring is certainly the most problematic feature of the cannons based on user feedback. There is variation in tightness depending on the thickness of the anodized coating on the main body and base, and the condition of the o-ring.
I tested threaded bases (threads clog, and it’s cumbersome to remove/replace), and magnetic bases (increases shipping/duty costs and always requires two hands to remove).
I’ve stuck with the o-ring solution since it is the most versatile. Users that want it to stick can have that, and others (like myself) can remove the o-ring and use the cup as a base. I find it easier to just be able to pick up my cannon with one hand and immediately begin peppering, then put it back on the base with zero mess.
In your case, it sounds like the o-ring should be replaced. If a new o-ring (extras included with each cannon) is still tighter than you would like, we could try a slightly smaller o-ring (32mm OD instead of 35mm OD).